A serious research work on the approach of the Indian print media towards terrorism was brought out by India Policy Foundation (IPF) in March 2009. The book, "Terrorism and the Indian Media" (English) & AAtankwad aur Bhartiya Media(Hindi) was released on March 9, 2009 in Delhi. It evoked a constructive discussion on its content in teh media.
http://www.bhadas4media.com/ , http://sabyaweb.blogspot.com, http://www.haindavakeralam.com, http://requestingtruth.blogspot.com, Pratham Pravakta (edited by Shri Rambahdur Rai), Dainik Bhaskar, Rozanama Rashtriya sahara, Urdu Times, Zadid Khabar, Outlook (Hindi) and others published commentary on the book and its content and review. Its first edition(Hindi version) was sold within three weeks of its publication and the second edition is expected to hit the market soon.
The work critically analyses the role of Indian print media in dealing with the issues of terrorism on the one hand and makes a comparative study of the approach of English, Hindi and Urdu newspapers towards terrorism on the other. It includes the study of almost all national Hindi and English dailies and 25 Urdu newspapers published across the country . It traces the evolution of media's perspective towards terrorism. It finds that 26/11 had proved to be a turning point for the Indian media. It changed the conventional approach of the media which perceives the events of terrorism in domestic(law and order ) context. Earlier media analysed terrorist attacks from law and order and communal perspectives. The issues like the demolition of the disputed structure in Ayodhya(1992), the Gujarat riots(2002), Muslim backwardness etc were discussed in reports and analyses while examining terrorism in India . Thus terrorism was largely, in the worldview of the Indian media , a product of domestic factors which could be deterred by good governance, alertness of police forces and removal of the backwardness of minority communities. 26/11 shattered such perception of the media.
The Indian media created a strong public opinion in favour of the stricter laws (like POTA) to combat terrorism and it realised that the terrorism in India was intrinsically linked with the global terrorism/Jihad. The Indian media by and large became the votary of Hard State instead of its earlier advocacy of Soft State.
The book also discusses the link between terrorism and media. The terrorists and their ideologues use media to communicate the message of terror and ideology behind it, not only to their potential victims, but also to their potential supporters and recruits. That's why the former British Prime Minister Mrs Margret Thatcher characterised media as an"oxygen of terrorism". The book evaluates western debate on media and terrorism and traces its relevance in the Indian context.
The most significant aspect of the book is inclusion of Urdu newspapers in the study. Till now there has not been any comprehensive study on the Urdu papers' perspective on terrorism. Their inclusion is not only acknowledgement of their importance in generating public opinion but also it enlightens non -Urdu readers towards the Urdu media. This is the beginning of the debate and it brings out the Urdu papers from the self imposed seclusion. The reaction and rebuttal of the Urdu papers proves the success of the work.
some excerpts from the book:
There has been a change in the perspective of Media on terrorism. Before 26/11, the Indian media refused to link the terrorist attempts and incidents in India with the Global Jihad....In their report and analysis of terror in India, domestic factors were counted as more important in the growth of terrorism; some of the factors that they believed important included the backwardness of Muslims, the demolition of the disputed structure in Ayodhya, the riots in Gujarat, etc...
...26/11 made a radical transformation in the attitude of the Indian media. They realised that terrorism in India was not an isolated event or as a result of some domestic factors which led to communal feuds, but that terrorism was an ideology and the terrorist attacks in India were part of the mission of Global Jihad. ...
The Hindi and English press published investigative reports on the intelligence failure and the inefficiency of police forces but it did not question the legitimacy of these agencies and the Indian State.
The study gives a different picture as far as the Urdu press is concerned...The study gives a different picture as far as the Urdu press is concerned...The Urdu media, however, presented a different picture and interpretation of the 26/11 incident. They desisted from linking it with the Global Jihad. Contrary to that, many of them considered it as a conspiracy of the USA, Israel and their intelligence agencies, CIA and Mossad for conspiring the terror attack on Mumbai to defame Islam... The majority of the Urdu press tried to establish a link between the Mumbai terror attack and the Malegaon investigation without providing any logic for letting their imagination run riot...Union Minister Antulay’s statement on the 26/11 which was a vindication of the conspiracy theory of Urdu papers was blown out of proportion and this was utilised by them as an opportunity to link the 26/11 with domestic politics of the country.
Terrorism and the indian Media /Aatankwad aur Bhartiya Media
Pages 182
Author : Prof Rakesh Sinha
(his earlier work is Rajanitik Patrakarita)
publisher: India Policy Foundation, Hauz Khas , New Delhi-16
Price : Rs80/(Eighty)
(send money order or draft /cheque in the name of India Policy foundation)
For details contact:
India policy Foundation
D-51, First Floor, Hauz KhasNew Delhi:110016
Phone no.91-11-26524018,
Fax: 91-11-46089365
The book can also be obtained form Prabhat Prakashan, Daryaganj, Delhi.
Price: Rupees 80.00
The book is a well-researched document on a hot topic very important in our national life.Although it covers for its study three major incidents of recent past in the wake of terrorism, its findings are relevant for other such terrorist actions and reactions thereof. It evokes academic interest in an important aspect of contemporary history.
ReplyDeleteRSS agenda coincidently serving the interrest of the nation. RSS academician got an opportunity in 26/11 to target Urdu. however, i appreciate rigorous work by Sinha. his credit is he uses Marxist academic skill to justify RSS agenda and he scores in this regrd. keepit uo!
ReplyDeleteUndoubtedly, this is a good work. The nation needs to know its people, their perceptions and their jargons.
ReplyDeleteAfter partition, the non-muslim population has distanced itself from URDU, that resulted into 'mis-communication' with muslim population. Cons and REDs exploited this situation to perpetuate their rules in respective domains.
Santosh Bhartiya's chauthi d dunia is doing what Urdu papers have done. in the latest issue he alleged that MOSSAD wants to bring BJP government into power. does freedom of press means anyone can wrtie any imaginary thing? who will check alll these nonsense? please do illuminate us on his role. I am from Hindi press and worked for sometimes with Bhartiya. He is a political animal and ramained MP for a breif period. in his new avtar who is funding Chauthi Dunia? will it survive after the election?
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I read the book. i want to give a very frank opinion. firstly, i appreciate the author and the foundation for including Urdu newspapers in the gambit of research. earlier i made up my mind that the book was biased and targetted urdu papers. but after the reading the book i came to the conclusion that all the comments and excerpts used from the Urdu newspapers are duely quoted and references are mentioned. so I can not say that it is a part of any agenda.
ReplyDeletei suggest the author that those urdu apers should also be included in its second edition, if any, which do not subscribe the conspiracy theory. i had discussion with two editors of urdu papers and they agreed that this book provided them an opportunity for self introspection.
secondly, i disapprove the author's intention to show that all the Hindi and English newspapers have similar opinion on Batla house encounter. this raises a wuestion of credibitiy. such a commendable work should avoid narrow consideration. had he done so the book would have been a milestone in thefield of journalism.thirdly, i was astonished to know the fact that two researchers mentioned in the book are not even graduates. can an undergraduate be called research associate/visitng fellow? is it not devaluation of academic work and project? i know that anybody can contribute in the academic work, even a child can contribute, an uneducated person can give advise or any person with whatever qualifiaction can work as a research assistance but how can be they be called cowriters? absolutely astonishin?
thirdly, rakesh sinha is an established pro RSS academician , so it is natural for the Urdu papers to raise the question on the book. if the Rozanama Rashtriya Sahara raised few questions , it is quite natural.
with regards
Koilagu Harsh
Dear Blogwriter,
ReplyDeletethanx for publishing my comment without editing. you have not deleted any part of my commnet. I appreciate your gesture.
Koliagu's argument is self contradictory. he praises the book and denounces its content. how can it be possible? one should judge the book by research methodology, study materials , intesive research used by the author. Koilagu does not raise any serious doubt on any of them. he is prejudiced and shrewdly creates a confusion regarding the book.
ReplyDeleteA response to Koliagu's letter,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your keen interest in the book. we have with us your earlier mail which you sent us regarding the book even before the book was released. almost the same doubts and questions you raised this time too. we expected a serious reader like you to discuss the content of the book rather than its researchers and the author. All three researchers related with the book are upcoming scholars. Excellence of a person is judged by the work which he does rather than the qualifications he bears . Koliagu's information regarding our research associates are factually incorrect. Please do visit the Foundation and join with us in our intellectual pursuit. we believe in critical, free and frank discussion, that's why we publish observations unedited. we also request our readers to avoid the route of anonymity while posting their observation.
Office Secretary(research division)
India Policy Foundation
why don't u place the comment of Urdu times whci wrote agains the book very illogically.